Mateusz Wojczal
Full-stack web developer/DevOps since 2005. Starting as an expert in ActionScript, throughout my career, I have gained commercial experience coding in PHP, JavaScript, Node.js, and other technologies that nobody remembers anymore, ultimately choosing TypeScript as a versatile language. From the very beginning, I have been involved in creating web applications and websites, desktop applications based on web technologies, as well as small and large-scale multimedia and interactive exhibits. Since 2011, I have been the founder of the software house Qunabu, and since 2019, the Chief Technology Officer at Escola. I am the creator of the first headless open-source LMS system called Wellms. I am the author of the Escola DevTalk and Philosophy of Programming technology podcasts, promoting knowledge sharing. I am a workshop trainer, a judge at hackathons, and a frequent speaker at technology conferences. I am the organizer of the Gdańsk TypeScript Meetup and passionate about functional programming, automated testing, the history of programming, and DevOps. I am an evangelist of Domain Driven Design, a facilitator, and an Event Storming modeler.
Find me on:
- Github
- Toptal
- Medium
- (ex Qunabu Interactive)
- Gdansk TypeScript Meetup
- sessionize
- Wellms Headless LMS
- YouTube
- Filozofia Programowania podcast
What I can do technically:
- JavaScript & TypeScript
- Node.js
- Software Architecture
- Software Testing
- Diagram (UML) Modeling
- Gitlab CI/CD
- Docker
- DDD Domain Driven Design (sometimes Deadline Driven Design)
- React.js
- Modularized Monoliths and Microservices
- Kubernetes
- Terraform
- Dev Sec Ops
What I usually do:
- Solving complex tasks
- Knowledge sharing
- Public speaker
- Strategic Technology Leadership
- Team Building & Recruitment
- Event Storming facilitator
- Open source contributor
- Organizing meetups
- StakeholderCommunication
- Budget and Resource Allocation
- IT Operations Management
Where I have spoken: